Admission requirements

Having passed a master's degree, students with a high talent for solo performance may apply for admission to the 2-year solo advanced postgraduate diploma. 

The admission requirement is a passed Master's degree from a Danish or foreign music conservatory or equivalent qualifications, as well as

  • Project
  • Practical test
  • Conversation

Project description

One month prior to the practical test, the applicant submits a project description (in electronic form) containing a plan for how the study time is planned, stating the repertoire that will be studied as well as sketching the form and content of the debut concert.

Practical test:

Applicants choose their own program of 35-40 minutes effective play time. 

It is emphasized that the repertoire reflects the applicant's special artistic talent, technical skills and solo potential. In addition, emphasis is put on showing stylistic breadth balanced according to the applicant's abilities.

The practical exam includes a self-selected program and ends with a conversation in which the applicant elaborates partly on his motivation to apply for admission to the soloist program and partly presents the aforementioned project description.