Qualifying educations

  • BA in music as instrumentalist/singer from SDMK - Danish National Academy of Music
  • BA in music as instrumentalist/singer or corresponding education from another Danish academy of music
  • BA in music as instrumentalist/singer or corresponding education from an institute of further and higher education abroad at a level corresponding to SDMK - Danish National Academy of Music



A programme of approx. 30 minutes duration, consisting of works from different time periods. One of the works must be by Joh. Seb. Bach.

Liturgical Organ Play:

  • Hymn play: Two hymns are performed, accompanied by preludes that have been prepared during the preparation time. The hymns are associated with intermediate modulation. The numbers are provided from both the choral book and the hymn book, and it will be shown which verses are to be played. At least one verse is played as a melody. The rendition of the choral book must be used in at least one verse in each hymn for both choral play and melody play.
  • Transposition: One of the choral book renditions is transposed a whole or a half note up or down (up to four accidentals). Choral and key appear from the task formulation. The transposition must not be written down.