

The Jazz/Pop program in Odense focuses on you and your instrument, when we take jazz as our starting point.  During your three years on the bachelor's program, you will develop into a personal and professional musician who can perform in all genres.


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About the programme

Jazz in all its forms is the focal point of the teaching on Jazz/Pop program in Odense. The teaching combines practical subjects that increase your skills with your voice or instrument and theoretical subjects that give you an understanding of the foundations of music. We place great emphasis on developing your skills as an ensemble musician as well as your ability to create your own music. You will also learn to teach music in various music pedagogic subjects. When you have individual lessons on your instrument, we focus on musical, pedagogical and technical issues, while in ensemble lessons you will learn how to work in different musical contexts.

In addition to the scheduled lessons, you can experience masterclasses and workshops with internationally recognized musicians, interdisciplinary focus weeks, concerts at both the academy and professional venues, study trips and much more.

Finally, DNA of Music also has a strong focus on musician´s health, so you will learn how to take care of yourself and avoid unnecessary injuries and challenges.


Your schedule will vary from week to week throughout the year. Some subjects are only available for limited periods during the year, while other subjects are available throughout the year. In addition to the scheduled classes, you should plan to set aside time for practicing and for unscheduled study activities such as masterclasses, workshops and concerts. When you do not have scheduled classes, you can reserve available rooms for practicing alone or with other students.


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Typical questions and practical info

Conservatory education in Denmark consists of a 3-year bachelor's degree, a 2-year master's degree and an additional 2-year soloist program.

Admission to the bachelor's program is based solely on how well you pass the entrance exams, so in principle anyone can apply, as no special educational background is required.

You can generally apply regardless of which instrument you play.

The entrance exams require you to demonstrate your skills on your main instrument/vocal and are tested in a number of general subjects such as theory and ear training. The exams are partly digital and partly in person.

Read more and find examples of the tests here!

The entrance exams for SDMK's bachelor programs are always in early January. Find the dates for the upcoming exams here.

All scheduled classes are generally held at SDMK in Odense between 8 am and 6 pm. However, in connection with orchestra projects, masterclasses and other extraordinary teaching, classes may be held outside this time frame.

We have collected a number of general questions and answers about finances, ECTS, study locations, credits, etc. on this page.

If you have any questions regarding the programme, please contact:

  • Head of Studies Anders Gustavsen-Sprotte
    +45 92159954 / ags@sdmk.dk
  • Study Secretary Kathryn Holbech
    +45 404235541 / kh@sdmk.dk