Rhythmic musician


Become part of a unique study environment characterised by presence and openness to enter - and not least develop - completely new musical communities. As a rhythmic student in Esbjerg, you and your musicianship will be a central part of a programme and a culture characterised by equality - between people, genres and musical preferences.

Here you will find both space for independent immersion and a willingness to collaborate across the country's most diverse range of programmes, where you will share a house with folk, classical and electronic musicians.

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About the programme

Through your study programme, you will develop the ability to make independent choices based on an approach where artistic expression and creativity go hand in hand with a foundation of solid craftsmanship.Throughout the programme, there is a strong focus on creative musicianship, where both composition and improvisation are paramount across subjects and projects.    

The programme is taught by a close-knit group of permanent teachers who, in addition to their work as teachers at SDMK, are also leading artists and freelance musicians with an international field of work, many of whom work together in a wide range of ensembles.

In addition to the timetabled teaching, the programme offers interdisciplinary project-oriented focus weeksmaster classestheme weeksartist talks, entrepreneurship days, group projects and a wealth of concerts. All within a broad spectrum of rhythmic genres and potentially everything in between - including jazz in all its forms, pop, rock, free improvisation, singer/songwriter, Afro-Cuban, Indian, third stream and fusion... or maybe something else entirely based on a suggestion from you as a student.  


Esbjerg's rhythmic education is characterised by a local and close study environment where there is room for you and where you will be in demand. The vast majority of students live here, rehearse here and play here in a myriad of constellations, all of which creates a special culture for both personal and joint initiative and project creation. The studio environment reaches out into the local vibrant environment and the surrounding community, creating gigs, other meaningful communities and, not least, a sustainable musician's life.

Examples of musical communities and initiatives include The Very Big BandGood Music FestivalEsbjerg Jazz FestivalFolk & FæstivalEsbjerg Jazz CollectiveSkrå scene and Kanten. Maybe you can help create the next one? 

The environment is also characterised by a rewarding interaction between teachers and students, which has resulted in joint initiatives such as regular jam sessions and concert series such as Free Library, where teachers and guest teachers perform as both guest soloists and jam hosts.


The main subject teaching consists of lessons in your instrument/voice as well as specialised subjects related to your main instrument. In individual lessons with the main subject teacher, you will focus on musical, artistic, pedagogical and technical issues.

In addition, a fixed part of the academic year is a week-long camp at the beautiful Engelsholm Højskole for all SDMK's rhythmic students, where teachers from both the domestic and international elite are responsible for teaching.


In addition to the main subject teaching, there are a number of general subjects that give you a theoretical and general musical foundation and serve to look at music from other angles than purely performing, just as you will be introduced to the administrative and PR side of a music business through teaching in artistic entrepreneurship

In Ear Training and Theory/Arrangement, you will work on developing your ear and theoretical understanding of basic musical building blocks, alongside composition and arrangement exercises.

In the ensemble classes, you will become skilled at playing in a wide variety of musical contexts, and throughout your studies you will have the opportunity to participate in interdisciplinary projects.


Rhythmic music graduates from SDMK are among the most employed music alumni in Denmark and typically work as independent performing musicians and composers, in bands and orchestras, teachers at folk high schools, music schools, primary schools, day schools, music conservatories, continuation schools, etc. or as leaders of choirs, orchestras, ensembles, music school leaders, cultural mediators, music mediators, etc.

As a graduate, you can pursue a career as a professional musician or singer. You can also teach and communicate music, work as an independent freelance musician or create your own profile based on project experiences from your studies.

The dual focus of the programme, where artistic development and craftsmanship go hand in hand, gives you the foundation and tools to be a natural part of professional contexts, productions and constellations in the broadest sense.

See a small selection of musicians who have graduated from SDMK, Esbjerg.

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