


Arbejdsområder på SDMK                   

  • Musikdramatik
  • Performativt Fag

Kunstnerisk praksis        

  • Scenekunstner i Hakkehuset (www.hakkehuset.dk)
  • Sanger/Performer "Song of the Child" og børnesangforestillingen "Nocturnes for babies" (Operaen i Midten)
  • Forsanger og songwriter i "Sjöholm" (www.sjoooholm.com)
  • Kabaretartist i div. kabaret projekter
  • Singer and actor in the newly written opera SONG OF THE CHILD, Operaen i Midten, 2019/2020
  • Singer and actor in the children performance NOCTURNES FOR BABIES, GrowUp festival (opera festival for children, Denmark) Operaen i Midten, 2019
  • SJÖHOLM, singer and songwriter. Release concert with debut album at RADAR in Århus, September 2018 as a part of Himherandit Productions Genderhouse festival. Recording of the album supported by KODA and Gramex Kollektive Rettighedsmidler.
  • NARRVISOR I NORRSKEN – physical song performance based upon Fritz Sjöströms compositions and poetry. In collaboration with the Royal Libary in Stockholm, I was helped to find forgotten material (songs, poems, manuscripts etc). The performance is still in the making. Co-produced by Hakkehuset and Rioutous Company. Working demonstration at Exploratorium, Berlin, May 2018 and at Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium, Odin Teatret, Holstebro January 2019. Supported by Dansk Musikerforbund.
  • KABARET NOIR, Singer and performer, with the cabaret ensemble Kabaret Fritz, Hakkehuset.
  • DEN LILLE HAVFRUE, Singer and performer, H.C. Andersen festival, Odense, Kulturmaskinen
  • 4:48 PSYKOSE (by Sarah Kane) Singer and actor, with actor Sofie Alhøj. Director Peter Kunz. Odense Skuespillerskole/Teater Momentum/ Hakkehuset
  • OVER THE PIANO, Singer and actor, with Kabaret Fritz, Statens Scenekunstskole, Ambassaden Århus, Performershouse Silkeborg.
  • TALES OF JOY AND WOE, Singer, fluteist and performer
  • EL MONKEY, med Hopballehus International Theatre, performances at Centro Cultural de Cooperation, Buenos Aires, Argentina and at Musica Esperanca, Tilcara, Argentina. The performance was built upon Karen Blixens novel with the same name.
  • THE PHILOMENA PARADE, street parade with Hopballehus International Theatre, PIT festival Porsgrunn, Norge
  • I DIT KORTE LIV, Singer and actor with ensemble Kabaret Wagon, Odin Teatret, Festival del sur, Gran Canaria, Teatro Tascabile i Bergamo, Como Italien, Studium Actoris, Fredrikstad Norge
  • ABEORKESTRET, childrens performance with Kabaret Wagon, performed at Sandholm Asylcenter, in the village Tilcara, Argentina, Sct. Stefans Frititdshjem Copenhagen, and in schools in Holstebro
  • THEATRUM MUNID ENSEMBLE – ISTA International Studies of Theatre Anthropology, singer and musician with Odin Teatret, Sevillia Spanien.
  • HARPENS SANG, street performance. Singer, musician and actor, Odin Teatret. Performed in Denmark and in Italy.
  • ÅNDEDRAG, church conserts, culture festivial Vinden, Odin Teatret. Composed by Frans Winter, played by Ensemble Midtvest, poems by Ib Michael.
  • I VÄNTAN PÅ MANOLITO NILSSON and JAG ÄLDSKAR DIG ULF, musicals. Songwriter and writer on mauscript to two mew musicals in collaboration with director Ada Berger. Performed at Inkonst, Malmö, Sweden.
  • Tours in Sweden and Europe with Eva Bohlins choirs KORALLERNA (girls choir) and KAMMARKÖREN (chamber choir). Singer and soloist on the cd "Nu stige jublets torn".


  • Leder af teaterlinjen på den internationale højskole Performers House i Silkeborg. Med undervisning i stemme, krop og scenisk fremstilling, og instruktør på en række forestillinger. Underviste og udviklede faget ”Idea Into Action” - et kunstnerisk interdisciplinært performativt fag med alle skolens elever fra de forskellige linjer: moderne dans, teater, nycirkus, rytmisk og elektronisk
  • musik.
  • Underviste alle linjer i devising, performance, kreativ skrivning, og almendannende perspektiverende fag. 2007- ’14
  • Head of the Theatre Department at the international højskole Performers House, Silkeborg, DK, 2007-’14:
  • Through seven years I had the pleasure of teaching at the international højskole Performers House. My main subject was Body-Voice-Expression for Theatre students. As Head of the Theatre Department, I had the chance to invite international educators, artists, and directors, from different theatre traditions such as Lecoq, Stanislavsky, Butoh, Commedia, Clowning etc.
  • At Performers House I was teaching the interdisciplinary subject Idea Into Action, where all students from all the departments (Theatre, Modern Dance, New Circus, Electronic Music, Rythmical Muisc), worked together twice a week to create “material” for the stage or site specific, with no limits on how to undfold their creative ideas.
  • Teacher in the subjects "Theatre and Improvisation", and "Social Change through Art", at Silkeborg højskole.
  • Flute and singing teacher at Herning Musikskole, Ikast -Brande musikskole
  • Choir conductor for amateur choirs in Jutland (CEU-koret Herning, De skrigende skinker Laven, Gospelkoret Vildbjerg)
  • Theatre teacher in "Huskunstnerordningen", Midtjylland.
  • Teacher in Body-Voice-Expression, and Cultural Production at Herning Højskole.
  • Private teacher for people applying to the Danish acting schools.

Gennemførte KUV/PUV-projekter eller anden forskning

Deltog som sanger/kabaretartist i talelærer Henning Silbergs KUV projekt i 2013-'14, på Den Danske Scenekunstskole i København. Projektet var en undersøgelse af kabaret genren og teatrets to masker, den tragiske og den komiske, hvor vi undersøgte en minimalistisk udførelse på scenen. Handlingerne foregik i de små detaljer.

Interview med Henning og med klip når jeg synger: youtu.be/snK7VCZEsak

Udvalgte publikationer og udgivelser


  • Bachelor of Arts - Major: Art History (Lunds Universitet)
  • Kultur- og Medieproduktion (Malmö Universitet)
  • Lunds universitet, Sweden: Bachelor of Arts – Major: Art History
  • Malmö Universitet, Sweden: Culture and Media production
  • l’Université de Sorbonne, Paris: French language, Historical studies in French Art- and Architecture
  • Jazz Institutet, Malmö: Studies in piano, singing and ear training
  • Katedralskolan, Lund: Gymnasium: Science- and Music program: additional studies in choir, ear training, music history and flute ensemble, with choir conductor Eva Bohlin
  • Nadine George, Voice Studio International. Participant in a two week workshop for voice teachers on The Nadine George Voice Work®. Nadine uniquely uses sung sound directly linked to the body and to work with text. Sadlers Wells, London
  • Henning Silberg, (mentor, colleague and voice teacher). Throughout a number of years I worked with Henning in privat singing lessons, and in workshops, on exploring my vocal expression, connection between text, the sung sound, emotion, energy, and staging. We worked on repertoires by Kurt Weill, Swedish Folksongs, and song by Fritz Sjöström. Henning was teacher in speech/voice and expression at The Royal Danish Acting School in Copenhagen for over 30 years, and he has educated actors for just as long. He’s an accredited teacher in the The Nadine George Voice Work®.
  • Participant in the course “Formidlingskompetence i tale” at Efteruddannelsen Den Danske Scenekunstskole. Teacher: Henning Silberg
  • Masterclass in Presence – Patsy Rodenburg, Efteruddannelsen Den Danske Scenekunstskole, participating as observer.
  • Roy Hart Theatre, participant in several voice workshops in Malerargue, France, and in Move’n act Århus, Denmark.
  • Diploma in Music Mind Games – teachers training program – Michiko Yurko
  • Jens Krogsgaard, work on singing technique and songs
  • Ingrid Haking Raaby, work on singing technique and songs
  • Eva Hallberg, work on singing technique and songs